A Significant Change is the title of a short film made by Unique to promote the new Transgender Care Pathway for Wales (The Welsh Gender Service).   This was made with the help of the Iris Prize ‘Iris in the Community’ initiative.

Iris in the Community was funded by the Big Lottery Fund Wales to undertake a series of projects across Wales to promote equality and diversity alongside community cohesion.

Newid Arwyddocaol yw teitl ffilm fer a wnaed gan Unique i hyrwyddo Llwybr Gofal Trawsrywiol Cymru (Gwasanaeth Rhywedd Cymru) newydd. Gwnaethpwyd hyn gyda chymorth menter ‘Iris yn y Gymuned’ Gwobr Iris.

Ariannwyd Iris yn y Gymuned gan Gronfa Loteri Fawr Cymru i gynnal cyfres o brosiectau ledled Cymru i hyrwyddo cydraddoldeb ac amrywiaeth ochr yn ochr â chydlyniant cymunedol.

The following Unique members took part in the project:

Cymerodd yr aelodau Unique a ganlyn ran yn y prosiect:

Jenny-Anne Bishop OBE
Bernadette Dear
Kathy Dear
Rachel Dee
Elen Heart
Chrissie Nichols
Jennie Quinn
Karl Sadil